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The Cinderella Project wishes to thank the following individuals and organizations for their generous support.

The Cinderella Project acknowledges the financial assistance of the Province of British Columbia. We gratefully acknowledge the support of the District of North Vancouver through their Community Grant Programs.

  • The Pinnacle Hotel Harbourfront generously hosts our event
  • Moores Suit Zone
  • Donations from Native Northwest
  • Flowers donated by United Flower Growers Auction and arranged by our amazing volunteers!
  • Coffee donated by Bean Around the World in Ambleside
  • Accessories from Native Northwest
  • Jewellery from Native Northwest
  • Gorgeous ties from Dion Neckware
  • Artona takes formal portraits of each student in their suit or dress, and gifts each student a package of their photos
  • Candy bar and snacks at the Pinnacle Hotel Harbourfront
  • Telus helps us help students and support their amazing diversity
  • Save-On-Foods donated gift cards so we could buy any food, supplies, etc to support our students on Boutique Day.
  • Volunteers donated their time to make pronoun pins for students and volunteers
  • Volunteer-designed and made pronoun pins
  • Comfort & Joy boxes were assembled before winter break in space donated by the West Vancouver United Church.
  • West Vancouver United Church
  • Accessories thanks to Dion Neckwear, SVP Sports, Vans, Moores and more.

There are definitely many more contributors – we apologize if we have missed anyone! We want to thank EVERYONE for their donations (cash, item or service). We could not do this without your