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Achievement Awards

Applications for the Cinderella Project Achievement Awards for 2024 are now close. The deadline for applications was April 24, 2024. We will be in touch with all recipients in early June.

About the Awards:

  • Peter MacKenzie Memorial Awards for Excellence. These awards to be used towards tuition, textbooks or course materials, adaptive technology, trade equipment or other education expenses
  • Shelley Hoffman Memorial Fund Awards. These awards will be in the form of assistance with tuition fees or a computer.
  • Marian Snowball Memorial Scholarship. A $1,000 award to be used towards tuition, textbooks, course materials, required technology, trade equipment or other education expenses.

Who is eligible?

  1. The applicant must be a confirmed participant in the Cinderella Project in 2024, and
  2. The applicant must achieve graduation in 2024.

How to apply:

  1. Select which award you would like to apply for.
  2. Complete the online form, including answering questions about the following:
    1. Extra-curricular Activities – sports, hobbies, fine arts, music, etc.
    2. Community &/or school involvement – clubs, committees, special initiatives, etc.
    3. Volunteer Activities
  3. Complete either:
    1. An essay of a minimum of 500 words or more written by the student on the theme described below
    2. A video, audio recording, website or other creative work prepared by the student on the theme described below, along with a 250 word written summary describing the work.

Each essay, video, audio recording, website or other creative work must be presented in English. (Please make sure to reference any materials or quotes that are the work of someone else). Please make sure to put your full name on your submission. The deadline for submissions was April 24, 2024.


The theme of the essay, video, audio recording, website or other creative work is:

What Graduation Means to Me.

The following questions must be answered:

  1. Tell us about your big dreams for the future.
  2. What are your post-secondary school plans?
  3. Tell us what program(s) you plan on attending. How do you think they’ll help you achieve your big dreams?
  4. How would this achievement award (scholarship or computer) help your future plans.

Selection Criteria:

Applications will be judged on the basis of:

  • Overall effectiveness in addressing the themes
  • Effective strategies used to overcome adversities in personal and/or academic life
  • Completion of the cover page in full
  • Awards are not based on grades.